Boat-Out Day

by Victoria Coady

, I will be stepping up into the role of Sail Director for the coming year. I’ve sailed at RPSA since 2015 as a program participant, volunteer, and coach, and I look forward to continuing to work with club members and local sailors through our sailing programs.

As we near the end of the season, we are beginning to organize the club’s Boat-Out Day. We use this event to winterize our boats and equipment, and bring them into safe storage until the spring. This event also provides an opportunity to meet other club members and coaches. Every year, we’re incredibly grateful for the help our members provide to complete this task. 

This year, we are planning to hold Boat-Out Day on Sunday, Nov. 27th. We will be meeting in front of the Old Mill Boathouse at 9AM, and will be working both up at the Old Mill Boathouse and down on the docks / launch ramp. We estimate that we’ll finish up around 3pm, however any amount of help is appreciated!

If you are wanting to volunteer, please fill out the sign-up form linked below so that we have an estimate of numbers. 

Sign up form:

Hope to see you there!

Annual General Meeting

by James Anderson

Rocky Point Sailing Association’s 2022 AGM will be held Tuesday December 13 at 7:30pm at the Old Mill Boathouse.

Get important updates on RPSA news, cast your vote for the upcoming Executive Committee, and catch up with old friends!

We are looking to fill two vacant executive positions:

  • Secretary
    • Primary role is to prepare meeting agendas and take meeting minutes
  • Vice Commodore
    • Primary role is to support the Commodore in providing leadership and guidance on the club’s development.

If you’re interested in learning more, please contact us

Welcome Victoria!

by James Anderson

RPSA is excited to announce that Victoria Coady will be taking on the role of Sail Director. Victoria has been coaching at RPSA for the past four years. 

Some of her notable sailing achievements include 1st place finishes at the 2022 Canada Summer Games and ILCA Championships.

Aside from being a talented sailor, Victoria also instructs skiing during the winter and is currently a student at Simon Fraser University studying mechatronic systems engineering.